Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Do the Math

Exhibity A: I get about $3500 per school year to be the 7th grade Dean. If you figure an average school year of 180 days, that's about $19.44 per day.

Exhibit B: I get $20 per 30 minutes to teach private lessons.

Exhibit C: Between yesterday and today, I've spent 4 hours on Dean issues.

Exhibit D: Some of that time was at the expense of my jazz band.

So I ask you - what am I REALLY getting out of it? Prestige? Honor? A big fat feather to stick in my cap?

Call me "Macaroni" but this is crazy!

1 comment:

Heather said...

That was a nice subtle hint to the "classic" beginning band hit "Yankee Doodle" wasn't it! :) Hee Hee!