Sunday, April 12, 2009

Quotes from my pastor

I've been avoiding finishing my taxes all evening, so I cleaned out a big "To Do" pile of papers instead. I found some sermon notes I've taken over the past few months - all with the intention to blog and discuss. I'll just list them here and maybe refer back at a later date.

While studying Acts 16: Lydia's conversion - The Spirit closed the door to Asia and sent Paul to Philippi to save ONE woman. God's love is SO great that He would spend MY whole life to reach you.

While discussing sexual immorality - Anything against God's original design is sin (missing the mark.) Aiming at the target but missing the mark is falling short. Not aiming at the target is rebellion.

Acts 20
-Fear of hurting someone's feelings can cause us to be unfaithful to them. There are worse things than having our feelings hurt. Speaking the truth (in love) can help avoid deeper hurt.
-Bravery is rushing into danger without considering the consequences. Courage is knowing the consequences and rushing in anyway.
-Jesus didn't come to make your life easy. He came to make YOU better.

On Biblical vs. Topical study: Going through the book protects you from me.

(My favorite) The power is in the FIRE, not in the vessel. God set fire to a bush, not a redwood tree.

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