Monday, September 07, 2009

Near Perfect Day

Yesterday was a fantastic day. First - church at Calvary Chapel Miami Beach. I love the straight ahead "Here's what the bible says" approach. Pastor Robert doesn't hold back on controversial topics, but he doesn't preach from a bully pulpit, either. It's a "real (,) Christian" church. (real, Christian OR real Christian - the comma is optional).

When I got home, I took the Pastelitos for a walk then loaded them up to go to the Great Grove Bed Race. Coconut Grove used to be the center of wackiness years ago, but got a little too "high brow" for it's own good. Luckily there are some natives who are committed to turning that around! Between the Bed Races and the King Mango Strut, the Grove is still my favorite part of Miami. Oh, and that's where my school is and I live very close. Doesn't get any better.

I didn't stay for the whole set of races. It was quite hot and sunny (after 3 days of rain - another good thing!) and I didn't think the Pastelitos should suffer. They were QUITE well behaved, although restless from the crowds. Queso was his usual confident self, going up to greet every strange person and dog that he saw. He got snapped at by unfriendly dogs more than once. It didn't really phase him much. I still don't understand why people take unsocialized, unfriendly dogs out to events where there are LOTS of other people and dogs.

Guava still worries me a little; she's timid in most strange situations. Her tail was down between her legs all day. I sat on a curb at one point and she climbed in my lap - all 65 pounds of her. She wasn't whiny and underfoot - just guarded. She DID impress me whenever children wanted to pet her. She would just sit down and not move a muscle. I got many compliments on their demeanor and when I mentioned that they will be 1 year old in a week, many people were surprised. They don't act like puppies.

When we got home, it was pool time. I did a quick cleaning of the pool, then 30 minutes of laps. The Pastelitos were EXHAUSTED and slept for the rest of the day. I wanted to force them into the pool but didn't have the heart. After my swim, I laid down on the chaise lounge and we all took a long nap in the yard. I got a glimpse of what their days must be like while I'm at work and they have to stay outside; it's not so bad!

After dinner, I sat down to watch the first part of Dr. Zhivago. I'd never seen it. I accidentally watched the 2nd half on Friday. (It's a double-sided disc.) I finished it and said to myself, "I don't get it." Then I realized what I'd done. After last night, it makes SO much more sense!

Now it's Labor Day. Another beautiful day outside. I am planning on working in the yard, but not as hard as a month ago when I really overdid it! Just an hour or so. Then a swim, then some school stuff. I've vowed in the last few years NEVER to work at home, but I'm feeling a little unsettled by the amount of things on my to-do list and figured if I can spend some time evenings and weekends getting through it all, I'll feel better able to stay on top of things for the rest of the year.

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