Monday, October 01, 2007

Damage assessment

Sooooo....seems as though Buster's little bump (Buster is my Powerbook; remember he had a little tumble on Friday) caused his wireless card to get jiggly. Then in checking the card, the antennae got ALL FUBAR and disconnected. The kind people at the Apple store told me (after I waited over an hour for the appointment I had made) that it would be $650 and that it wouldn't be worth it and just buy a new one. The "other" Apple repair guys in town said minimum $65 just to look at it, but that it wouldn't be worth it and just buy a new one. My friends keep telling me "it's not worth it; just buy a new one."

What part of "I DON'T WANT A $1200 NEW ONE. I JUST WANT TO FIX THE ONE I HAVE" is not being communicated clearly? While I would LOVE to just upgrade a get a new one, I'm a little short on cash lately.

ENTER who told me that although it IS the most difficult repair, the part is $50 and they'll do it for $100. Dude even said I could print the "self-help" manual and try it myself, but there are about 100 screws and the antennae has to go UNDER the motherboard, yada yada yada. I tend to get my monkey in trouble when I try to do that stuff myself, so Buster is going on a trip to Alabama this week.

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