Saturday, December 27, 2008

On my own time

One of the opening illustrations that Stephen Covey uses in his GREAT book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is that we would all be happier if time would just stand still for awhile so we can manage all of our tasks on our own time schedule. Imagine picking up task and being able to respond to it from start to finish without the pressing needs of everything else in your world.

That's what winter break is for - my days now consist of picking up one thing at a time (e-mail, chore, project, whatever) and spending as much time as needed on it until I can cross it off of my list FOREVER!

For the larger tasks, I set the timer for on hour. When the bell rings, I pack it up and table it for another time. When I think of something else to do, I add it to the list. (Lists are a great friend; electronic lists on my PDA are the greatest friend in the world!)

My goal is to get all of those "New Years Resolutions" about finishing projects done before New Years. Wish me luck!

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