Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pardon me, but you're standing on my tail

Last night, I went to a game night with friends. I took The Pastelitos along (with permission first, of course) because I've read that exposing puppies to as many different people and situations as possible before they are 16 weeks old makes them very well socialized. They are 15 weeks old today.

There was also a 10 month old baby there. I was a little worried that they would want to play too roughly, but they behaved wonderfully. At one point, they were both asleep in the middle of the floor and the baby was crawling all around them. All of a sudden, Queso lifted up his head and looked at the baby with a bit of concern. I looked down and saw that the baby was STANDING on Queso's tail. He didn't yelp, he didn't nip, he didn't even whine. When the baby got off of his tail, he went right back to sleep.

I've got the best Pastelitos in the world!

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