Thursday, January 01, 2009

Clean Slate, Clean Plate, Clean Date

The beauty of New Year's Eve is that it feels fresh and new. Everyone walks around thinking "THIS year is going to be different." The funny thing is that most people don't take the steps needed for that difference to actually happen. Change is hard work and all of the wishful thinking in the world isn't going to make a darn bit of difference if you don't put in the effort. It's like Dr. Tim says "It's not what you COULD do or WOULD do that matters, it's what you DO do that counts. You've got to do the DO do."

I hate it when I "should" on myself. Most of the time, I just don't think it through. I end up "shoulding" over something I don't really want in the first place.

My New Years Resolution is to stop "shoulding" and to start "doing the DO do."

1 comment:

Robert Southgate said...

I'll cancel the order for your "Just Should It" T-shirt then.