Monday, January 18, 2010


Do you ever feel like things are status quo for a long time but just when you've resigned yourself to the monotony, circumstances change and you can sense that something different is on the horizon? You're not sure what it is and you're not even sure that it's a GOOD thing. Still, the unknown beats the known and the electricity is worth the potential shock hazard.

I feel something like that right now. I have taken in two house guests that need a place to land. It's created quite a different life for me; instead of the solitude and quiet to which I have grown so comfortable, I have someone within the range of my voice 24-7. It's also created community dinner time and someone to watch movies with, someone to talk to and someone to help around the house. (BIG bonus!)

I know this is only a temporary situation. Right now, it's too new to be annoying. Perhaps it will never become a nuisance. All I do know is that it's different and I can sense that it's going to change something in me or for me in a big way.

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