Saturday, September 08, 2007

Well, technically, they are.

So Thursday night was "Back to School" night where the parents come and follow their child's schedule and meet all the teachers. I got to hear the guitar teacher tell his groups that he was "certified" in Harness discussion procedures (which is lost on you if you don't work at my school) and then asked them to discuss this topic: If aliens landed on our planet, what one song would you play for them as the "definitive" American rock and roll song.

Many of the parents said just as quietly and patiently as the fruit of their loins do every morning. Some offered good ideas and insights. The highlight of the evening was when Mr. Harkness himself said his personal choice might have to be something from the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. After about 30 seconds of dead silence, one of the parents asked, "Aren't they British?'

My tongue still hurts from where I about bit through it to keep from laughing!

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