Thursday, February 14, 2008

Weather or Not

It's been a bit stormy here in South Florida this week. Tuesday night was especially so. I walked to school because it was Grandparent's Day and we aren't allowed to use the parking lot during the day. There are valets who park the visitor's cars in the lot, about 20 feet from the valet station, while the teachers have to park on a remote lot two properties away. Go figure! Anyway, as I was walking HOME that night (LATE - 10:30 PM due to convention madness) the sky opened up and it started to pour. So I hid under a very big tree, knowing it would die down soon. Until I saw lightning. Then I called Lamburrito, who lives close by. He came and got me and took me home. Of course, in the 10 minutes it took for him to get there, it had stopped raining. in the Tropics.

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