Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome to Middle School Boy Behavior

This was an actual e-mail exchange between me and the parents of one of my new 6th graders. They both teach at the high school so I know them well. This is their only child, so mom is not quite versed on middle school boy behavior yet:

E-mail from me to them: We’re sitting outside in concert band today because the air is out in the band room and it’s stifling. I told them to take a study hall. The boys are all teaching each other how to make animal noises instead. Your precious one came to tell me/show me how talented he is at making fart noises with his armpit.

You are SO in the bell curve of normal 6th grade boy behavior. Isn’t middle school AWESOME!

Dad's response: Tooting sounds and bathroom talk are forever funny if you’re a guy. Humor always gravitates to 5/6th grade level.

Mom's response: Oh my GOD! He really needs to learn appropriate/inappropriate behavior for the situation. I know that he’s pretty competent at the flatulent noise, but we have talked about where it’s ok to do that – and where not. SO SORRY!! How do you stand them all day long?????!!!!!

Then I saw Dad after school. He just shook his head and said "Yeah. Mars. Venus. They really DON'T understand each other."

That's definitely a story worth re-telling.

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