Thursday, October 16, 2008

6th grade Fashion Sense

Punchline set up #1: Today was a dress-down at school. Kids could wear something OTHER than school uniforms if they paid $5 for a charity that we support. The teachers enjoy this as well, as we can dress down as well. It doesn't take much to make us happy. Wearing jeans to work once in a while makes me happy.

Punchline set up #2: My students are now all well-versed in my Pez addiction. I've been receiving new items for the collection on a weekly basis.

And the finish.....a conversation with a 6th grader today:
Student: You have a Pez shirt? (note the question mark at the end of that phrase)
Me: (perplexed): Why yes. I do!
(I was wearing it at the time)

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