Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Puppy School and the Four legged foodie

Queso started "Puppy School" last night. Guava starts next week on Thursday. I'll be spending 2 nights a week for the next 8 weeks at Petsmart. We got there a bit early and met some of his classmates. There was an adorable 2 month old beagle who, while standing on his hind legs, came up to Queso's eye level. The beagle (Pasquale) kept chewing on Queso's ear and crawling all over him. He didn't do anything back; he just sat gently while the puppy played. He's only 4 months old himself. Now THAT'S a good dog! I get them comment about The Pastelitos all the time; they are really well-behaved and happy dogs. In public. At home, it's another story. Actually, they ARE good dogs but sometimes I forget they are just babies and I have to keep my eyes on them.

The first class is about how to load the clicker, which is what you use to signal "good job" when the dog does something right. To load it, you have to pair the sound with a treat. To demonstrate, the trainer tried to use the beagle: "When Pasquale takes the treat, I click so he knows to associate the clicker with a treat." When she tried, Pasquale was SO not interested in the treat. She moved on to an overly picky-eater Shitzu; same problem. I raised my hand and said, "Queso will eat it." And so he was the star. My dog is a foodie. How appropriate.


Suz said...

Awwwww! What a sweet teachers pet. (npi) :)

Elizabeth said...

Like mother, like son. But please don't tell me you're going to start a dog food diary! ;-)