Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Facebook gives you amnesia

My mom doesn't speak to my older brother. (or my younger one, for that matter!) By default, the rest of the family (meaning the sisters) doesn't either. Of course, I spoke to my younger brother and his wife when they came to visit me for a week last month. I just didn't mention that to my mom or my sisters.

When my grandmother called me for my birthday 3 weeks ago, she informed me that my older brother is now a grandfather. That makes my mother a great-grandmother. She asked me if my mom knew. I told her I didn't think so and that I was NOT going to be the one to deliver that news.

Yesterday, I got a voicemail from my younger sister calling me "Great Aunt" and asking if I've spoken to Mom lately. I knew then that the bomb had been detonated.

Today I got a Facebook friend request from my older brother's wife. Once I accepted, I saw that she and I have a mutual friend - my mother.

Time may not heal all wounds, but Facebook may.

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