Thursday, August 23, 2007

Defying the laws…

I made REALLY good time on my last drive back from visiting D in Orlando, after our trip to San Francisco. After I called and left him a message saying I made it safely (and quickly), here was his voicemail reply:

D: “ OK, making really good time could be on something like if you take a test and you got done really quickly. Some things you can’t rush. It’s just the nature of the law of physics. Like cooking something at…it has a certain amount of time it takes - at 350, it takes 20 minutes or things like that. Driving THAT far – the speed limit and the law of physics says that it will take 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Now THAT part depends on traffic. But to get there in less than THREE hours - now, that means that you did not obey the traffic laws. That’s what THAT means because there’s no way to physically do that unless you transported yourself there and I don’t think that you can do that. So obviously you were eating sugar. OBVIOUSLY! You were eating sugar and driving. I know that your vision probably gets blurred so you probably didn’t see the speed limit signs or you didn’t notice how fast you were going to realize you were being a bit excessive.
OK, so.. glad you made it home safely. Talk to you soon. I’m just getting home from the gym. I figured you would be home about now. I didn’t know you have been there AN HOUR AGO!

His messages always make me laugh, and I end up saving them for months. Then I can replay them when I need a giggle.

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