Monday, June 11, 2007

The Ice Man Cometh

Precious and I went to the Arch today. It was really high, but a little cloudy so I didn't get to slide down the feather side like Precious' dad says you're supposed to do. I finally got to see the movie that Tia quotes all the time..."and the thing was done...."

I got to see a puppet say "trap the beaver." This was a first for me, and I enjoyed it immensely. I tried to take a picture of it, but it was blurry. Then a bear ate the trapper, and being philosophically opposed to gratuitous violence, we left the puppet show.

Afterwards we met Scooter for dinner. Yummy, but alas, I didn't take a picture for my food diary. The highlight of our evening was the busboy for our table. I think it was his first job EVER (as he appeared to be about 12 years old) and he was bound and determined to do it well. His main job during the meal was to refresh the ice in our glasses. He did this about 12 times. At one point, Scooter's glass was nothing but ice while my glass was nothing but water. We giggled madly about this throughout the evening, then came back to Precious' house and recreated the event. We giggled some more.

And then, we were done.

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