Sunday, June 10, 2007

Travel Mojo

Getting from Maine to St. Louis yesterday was QUITE the challenge. The amazing thing is that NONE of the cities I went through were on the originally scheduled itinerary!

It started with an autmated call at 7 AM from the airline (which shall remain nameless) saying that my flight from Portland to La Guardia was going to be SO delayed that I would miss my connection to Pittsburgh, and the subsequent flight to St. Louis. When I got to the Portland airport, they "booked" (please note the quotes; they will reappear later in the saga) me on a direct flight on another airline from Boston to St. Louis and put me in a cab for a 2 hour ride to Boston.

Well, their definition of "booking" a flight and the new airline's definition did not seem to match. I ended up going on Airline A (which shall stay nameless, as I officially dislike them GREATLY) to Charlotte and THEN to St. Louis. I had a 10 minute layover. Thank goodness the gates were close!

The good news is I made it to St. Louis, and only 4 hours late.
The bad news is that I will try to avoid US Air at all costs in the future. Or is that good news?......

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