Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Flingin' Fluids

I got to spend some "bonding" time with Mer on Friday. TOTALLY cool. We're all excited because she's been invited to sing with the San Fran opera and premiere a new work. I'm already looking at flights.

Anyway, she came to Miami a few weeks ago to audition for the Florida Grand Opera. We decided that if they don't hire her, we will spray paint their building. (JUST kidding. Don't call the cops. SHEESH!) Anyway, last night I was running past their building and decided it would be funnier (and actually kind of gross) to spit on their sidewalk instead. Then in a stroke of absolute middle school mentality, I wiped a goober on their wall and laughed hysterically.

Mer called last night to say that Florida Grand hasn't called anyone yet. They haven't finished auditions.

I hope I haven't given her bad opera mojo.

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