Sunday, July 08, 2007

Monster Building

We had a late night in the dorms, sitting in the D lounge watching the Live Earth concerts and just chilling. Someone did a 7-11 run around 1 AM and brought me back a cola slushie and some beef jerky. YUMMY! I finally fell in bed around 2:30 AM, so when my alarm went off at 7, I was an unhappy person.

When I got to the building that I needed to unlock for class, the building tried to eat me. I went in the back door, got stuck in the stairwell where my keys didn't work and finally found my way out to daylight again. When I went to the other side of the building, all of the student were there waiting to get in. I finally managed to figure it all out, but I'm still not sure if they bought my story, but I'm sticking with it. I also had a witness.

Today's agenda: Meet The Librarian for breakfast at Morning Glory, then find a couch and take a nap!

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