Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'm a bad mommy!

My almost-15 year old terrier (Peanut) ran out of canned dog food yesterday morning. She always has dry food in her bowl, but since she's missing half of her jaw, she has an easier time with canned. I knew we were running low but hadn't had time to get to the store. I even put the empty carton in the car to remind me, but I've been out until 11 PM every night this week for rehearsals, meetings, etc. So yesterday, my dog got "Fortune Snookies" dog treats for breakfast. Is that the same as giving your children chocolate cake for breakfast? I'm SUCH a bad mommy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally empathize. This is one of the many reasons that I like cats over dogs. With your average cat, you can leave a bowl full of crunchies out for them and they will feed themselves all day without having to worry about them over eating. As for forgetting, I have known cats to do everything for tripping as you pass to empty bowl, to sitting on your nose until you get the hint.

This mind set does make me worry about my future kids though...