Monday, October 30, 2006

Tropic Hunt Madness

Yesterday was Tropic Hunt 2006. I was torn between two teams, both of which wanted me for my quick wit and brilliant mind...I think. I got there late because I played for all 3 services at church and was just not in "Hunt" mode when I arrived. Both teams did well, solving the 5 puzzles correctly. They even got the phone number to call. It was there that our hopes were dashed, due to Dave Barry's warped mind. Well, that of his team, anyway. He himself said he's not that clever. Still, we had fun. If you haven't done a Hunt, you haven't LIVED!


Anonymous said...

Aww, you know we just wanted you for your awesome clothes...

SchoolHouse Rocks!

Bing said...

That's true; I got SO many comments on my "Bill" shirt...although I like Conjunction Junction better!

Anonymous said...

They all lie...they're using you for your body!