Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How's the weather? How's life?

Well, I think that this is the 3rd or 4th year that we've lost teaching time BEFORE Labor Day due to tropical weather. Tropical Storm Fay blew through here yesterday and today and our first two days of school (orientation days, actually) didn't happen. Monday we were supposed to dedicate the new community center (read: gym) so now that has to be rescheduled. We're on for tomorrow, but I have NO idea what we're doing, nor am I going to great lengths to figure it out. I'll deal with it when we get there. This year is going to be a hectic one, as I'm teaching 6 instead of 5 classes, and they are periods 4,5,6,7,8,9 with no break, followed by clubs/lessons/parking lot duty until 6 PM. I'm off 1,2,3 so I'll have to eat lunch 3rd (at 10 AM). The extra duty pays $7K, so I look at it as this: the school is paying me to lose weight! No more grazing in the cafeteria!

My other hope is to get as much done as I can during my 3 planning periods and go home at the end of the day. No late nights in the office! With no convention and fewer home repairs (don't get me started on the roof leak in the cabana!) this could be the year I actually get a life!

We'll see!

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