Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Now back to your regularly scheduled blog

I have 3 choices in order to blog as regularly as I used to, now that my work location has officially "blocked" social networking sites.

1. Pay for Internet at home again

2. Blog by phone

3. Continue paying for T-Mobile Hotspot (MUCH cheaper than home service) and hitting up the Starbucks in town whenever I can.

As much as a pain #3 can be sometimes, I think it's actually the better option because it gets me out of the house with a purpose. We'll see how that works out.


Sara said...

Glad we'll get the chance to continue reading the adventures of Bing!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Naturally your school has blocked teachers from socially networking with other teachers around the world. The students, however, will always be able to find a way to access site unblocking websites, thus allowing themselves full access to the features of the blocked sites, while technically not violating their computer use contracts.