Monday, July 31, 2006

My kid can beat up your kid....

So yesterday at church, our youth pastor did an awesome job. I may try to put the pod cast link up later. In any case, he had arranged for Compassion International to send us ALL the kids they needed sponsors for from an area of Indonesia. His goal was to get 100 kids sponsored; we responded by sponsoring 400. My faith is restored. There ARE people in the world who think of others. But here's a funny thing...I went for a cook-out at my pastor's house last night. I saw his "Compassion" kid's profile page on the table and then I started telling him about mine. His response? "My 'Compassion' kid can beat up YOUR 'Compassion' kid!" THAT'S why I love him!

Oh, and someone wanted me to post cook-out etiquette about dominating conversations here. Which I find very rude and annoying. The constant talking, not the request to post about it. But I think it would be mean to bring it up. So I'm going to leave it alone. Sort of.

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