Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ummmm....and so?

At what point does someone else's problem become YOUR problem? I have this person who is REALLY immature and pissing me off at the moment. I actually just spend 20 minutes spelling the whole thing out, but don't really want to give details or cause undue hurt, but ARGH! Can we just grow up and accept the fact that the world doesn't owe us ANYTHING and we should be thankful for any happiness we get? Move on and don't expect me to get wrapped up in your little drama. I have enough of my own!

So how was YOUR day?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't even get me started... why can't people be as wonderful as we are?!? I totally agree with you. I have enough drama of my own to worry about others. Plus I'm sick and tired of people treating me like I'm lesser than because of their own pesky drama and hysterics. I'm smart, talented and all round good person. Stop dragging me down.
Phew, there I feel better. anybody else out there having a crappy day? Oops can I say crappy? Oops I did it again.