Monday, July 24, 2006

Game night

On a lighter note, last night was Game Night at M and S's house with friends from my small group. We started off playing "Killer Bunnies", which V hated, but I loved. Then we had lots of food, including Mexican Salsa burgers from (gratuitous ad) Dream Dinners where S works. YUMMY! We finished the night playing "Catch Phrase" which was VERY fun, until M tried to get his team to guess "Hatchet Girl" when the word was really "Hat Check Girl". Funny thing is, I was on his team and I was right there with him.


Anonymous said...

I still can't believe that V sold me out like that. I nearly had you all guessing Hatchet girl!

Bing said...

Hey! I guessed "Hatchet Girl." It was only when V said "Let me see that!" that we realized your little creative license. Bring on the wackiness, I say!