Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Calling God's Bluff

My Christian Freaks arrived from Chicago late last night. They told me the flight was not great; the air kept going off, they were next to a restroom so it smelled, and M couldn't put her tray down because there's a baby in the way. That was her fun way of telling me they are pregnant. HOW COOL! They are due April Fool's Day. HOW APPROPRIATE!

For 14 years, they've said they don't want kids. A few months back, they decided they wanted to adopt in a few years. M started thinking (ALWAYS a dangerous thing) that maybe she wasn't really listening to God and she was trying to do things her own way instead of His. So in typical Christian Freak fashion, she said she called God's bluff. AND as always, He wins. The story they tell is that when R found out, he started screaming and wagging his finger at her.

"You can't call God's bluff. You can't call God's bluff. You can't call God's bluff."

I'm throwing my chips in tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...