Friday, August 18, 2006


You know how sometimes you're just too tired to think straight, and you have a kazillion things to do, so you keep jumping from one thing to another, answering an e-mail then returning a phone call, then working on a project, then jumping back to your e-mail, then thinking of another cool project, then answering another e-mail? That's how my afternoon has been. The Christian Freaks left this morning and I'm sad. We were up until 12:30 AM talking, and then I had to drive them to the airport at 5 AM. Then I came straight to school and I'm just getting ready to leave now. That makes a 15 hour day. But if you consider I left school every day right after classes to go home and visit with them, I put in all of my planning hours in one big stretch today. Plus my desk is CLEAN! That feels good.

I'm still tired. I hate those freaks!

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